Secondary Containment Liner System with leak detection
inspection pipe
and optional alarm.
Miller Environmental,
the nation’s leader
in Septic Tank Liners, has developed a solution for Beauty Shops and
any other concrete tanks that needs double hull protection.
The Miller Environmental Exterior Liner System allows you to meet code
for secondary containment with an inspection pipe placed between the
tank and the liner to above grade for leak inspections quickly and easily
at any time.
It is recommended you also use the lid liner
with manhole riser boot liner which completely encloses the tank for
protection of
any surface
water and dirt getting between the tank and liner.
Miller Environmental Stick Tape is recommended for sealing the lid liner
to the tank liner. The double sided tape is placed on both sides of the
liner. A second run of one-sided tape is placed on the top outside perimeter
of the tank liner for a complete seal. Then the liner is set in place
and the inside bottom perimeter overlaps the exposed tape and is firmly
pressed together. A 2” PVC pipe is placed along side the tank and
inside the liner to above grade. We recommend using 2” perforated
pipe from the bottom of tank up to 4” below top of tank. Then 2” solid
pipe up to above grade with PVC cap or cleanout plug. The 2” perforated
pipe is connected to vertical pipes and goes around the entire bottom
of tank, to detect leakage from all 4 sides. PVC pipe should be attached
to the sides of the tank using straps and concrete anchors every 24” with
a piece of stick tape placed over the straps to protect the liner.
The Miller Environmental Inspection Kit includes all the items to complete
and install this package
(such as inspection pipe, straps, anchors, alarm and manhole covers).
You may also request our Inspection Kit with or without an alarm.
This complete package is available in any size for all types of pre-cast
tanks. Fax or mail a drawing of tank dimensions showing where inlet
boot and manhole riser boot will be located. Include exact measurements
diameters, as well as to the center of each boot from top of tank
to bottom of tank and side to side.
Download our Secondary
Containment Liner System Brochure in PDF.